Saturday, May 31, 2008

Fantasy Baseball Salary Cap

The Decline of Prime

"INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL" (2008) Original title: "Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull" Duration: 120 minutes Genre: Adventure

Director: Steven Spielberg Writer: David Koepp based on a story by George Lucas and Jeff Nathanson Music: John Williams Photography: Janusz Kaminski Editor: Michael Kahn Cast: Harrison Ford, Shia LaBeouf, Karen Allen, Cate Blanchett, John Hurt, Ray Winstone


The latest adventure of Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) begins in the desert of the southwestern U.S. States in 1957, during the Cold War. Indy and his sidekick Mac (Ray Winstone) have barely escaped by hairs with nefarious Soviet agents on a remote airfield. Professor Jones returns home and learns that things go from bad to worse. His best friend, the dean of the college (Jim Broadbent), he says many are suspicious of Indy's recent activities and the government pressure on the university to fire him. Indiana, about to leave, she meets rebellious young Mutt (Shia LaBeouf), who offers him a deal. If the archaeologist helps solve a personal problem, I could do one of the most spectacular in history, this is the Crystal Skull of Akator, a legendary object of fascination, superstition and fear.


When analyzing this fourth installment can be done from the standpoint of the most ardent fan of the series or from the place of a spectator who goes to the cinema to see a movie Adventure for fun without making comparisons with the previous trilogy. The last place I can not take even make a major effort. I can not. I have seen many times the previous films, which occupy a place in my universe privlegiado film, which makes me impossible to work. For someone who knows by heart the scenes that make the adventures of dr. Jones is inevitable comparisons. Found that kind of character type, a You can ask a question: Is this the fan that likes anything you put on the screen so to see the archaeologist with a whip or else is a guy who criticizes outbursts any small change in the saga? I would not add me either but I'm closer to the former than the latter because I am person of insults and I am aware of the strenuous work of a film and more a high requirement to have this. Having said that let's the harsh but necessary task of comparison.

first thing that goes unnoticed is the tone of this latest installment autoparódico. The hero is older and Spielberg , Lucas Co. and not repaired in jokes to make fun of adventure. See for example the scene of the snake or another that may be more buried for less unconditional fan when fleeing the Russian camp and Jones spits his companions: "This is intolerable." Phrase used by his father in the third when they are persecuted by the Nazis. Now the hero is an old man who complains as his father and grandfather called his young sidekick Mutt Williams . Difficult to digest that I have experienced over and over Indy's exploits.

dark and violent tone of the series has passed away life. Although in "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" was left envision a softer tone in the latter when you purchase a softer look. We no longer scared to death, the ark, or black magic. Violence has also disappeared. "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" gore even included a scene with Mola Ram getting the heart to his victim. It is not the lack of violence that has failed. I do not need, but a darker approach. Most obviously, over the years, is the change in visual effects. Developments in digital fx has been so great that anything can be achieved with them. It would be foolish not to use them to make a movie of this size. And most shocking to fans has been the change of McGuffin. A crystal skull that has nothing to do with God and if beings from another planet. This issue has angered more than one that is not my case. From everything written so far, in my opinion, is the excess autoparódico and the absence of darkness and terror that I missed. And now allow me the luxury of speaking as a fan of the series, just a moment. The last scene squeaks me completely as I do not like the reunion of old boyfriends and family.

best film, the chase through the jungle shot brilliantly by the best director there. Nothing dizzying montages and drawings Michael Bay type. A complicated sequence but saved with distinction as it could be otherwise. The prologue is not the best (second to none on the first two) but if it is achieved with a nod to the fans. Copy the appearance of Indiana Jones where we see his shadow his hat. The character of Irina Spalko played by Cate Blanchett is the best of human fauna that populate the movie with Shia LaBeouf (with homage to Marlon Brando of "Wild" ) coming out gracefully rather than the weight of being the companion of Indiana Jones.

worth mentioning the scene in Indiana and refrigerator. First we see a house and a television on. Something strange that does not fit the particular world of Jones (as times change) and then we put in the fridge to get such as the complicated situation in which he was. An incredible scene in all aspects. As we wished to see Harrison Ford twenty years not least because the actor is not at the level it is far but because we had avoided the decline and fall of Grandpa Jones, something that any fan would like to have seen. After fifteen years of drafts, the script by David Koepp leaves a bitter aftertaste for many years of searching for the perfect story and a question in the air: What was wrong with the script by Frank Darabont ? That question is addressed to Mr. Lucas, the only one who said no to the story Darabont. We will never know what might give the story or ... what if?

best thing you can do is enjoy the film without making comparisons and enjoy a fun and entertaining, sometimes very successful, and not to dwell on the head. Although that I did not make it, because for me, this trilogy are the best adventure films of cinema history.

Another view and great article about Indiana Jones, in the red famobil .