Thursday, May 27, 2010

6 Week Old Baby Should Be

Eva Peron Schools invites you to a free event, national and popular Eva Peron

The Workforce Training Network Caritas Diocese of San Isidro and Training Center
401, Vicente López
summon the end of the project: "Improving Software strategies for occupational training
Youth and Adults ", funded and
accompanied by the Ministry of Social Development of the Nation through
Community Approach Program and the invaluable contribution
Equity Foundation. The closing event and
socialization experience, will be held on Wednesday 2 June
from 9:30 to 12:00 in the Pastoral House, Ituzaingó 90, San Isidro.

The purpose of this meeting is to share a space for reflection
about technological innovation in computing within the
Training courses and show
tools designed to improve the administration, the developer and development
technology using only free software and supporting the paradigm of construction
collaborative knowledge. The
call is made for the purpose of contributing to
bodies and training institutions that transit search strategies
use of technology, optimization of resources available, improving the accessibility
, learning and knowledge transfer and
tools. Participate

teachers, students, technical equipment,
concerning community, educational authorities, actors in work environments and public agencies related
of Local and Regional Development. Dear

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Meagan Good Short Hair In The Game

us lights the way towards the third anniversary

not know how nice it could be seen from here the party to be sent!, the whole mass dancing, walking, listening to music, sharing with the American brothers ... these lights, these choreographies, these proceedings. For a while I wanted to return, because nothing much happens here that say, and Argentina was a party that did not want to miss.
not forget these days, do not take pictures of his retinas. Neither your ears the most wonderful music. There is no smell of popular revolution, and from here the'm accompanying.
To those comrades who treasure the images on your disks and want to keep them in order, I recommend the photo manager F-spot, which recognize your camera and asked if they wish to import from there the photos they might have. Then you can sort, edit, classify, localize and timelines, and much more, that your spirits Peronist call them to investigate and learn.
started a new stage. Now everyone knows who is who. Without masks, and made bread and cheese, we know where we stand and what kind of country we want.
I hold you in my heart, be Feels Peron and his teachings, the happiest days were always Peronist.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lori Ann Rambough Topless

Thoughts on the bicentennial gorillas (which will soon be disseminated) Call

Not content with inventing nonsense as a celebration of "Latin American" (in the midst of a time when we would to be supporting our European brothers in crisis), and Buenos Aires traffic cutting structures and plastic pipe coming out of our taxes, the presidential couple is responsible for displaying a false image through multimedia pathetic ruling.

But this blog, always with the real people, which is not lowered and paid leave (sometimes) their taxes, unmasks the puppet who calls himself "official Bicentennial Celebration"

* It is known that hundreds of thousands People who go to festivals, are subjects paid suburban community pointers. It speaks of a chori, a wine and locro per adult, and a hot dog and a coke for each child. Although under we find, in some municipalities close to the K, is oblando $ 50 for each passerby mics have to * our * Av 9 de Julio. It is known that the only public demonstrations without the influence of patronage have been the countryside marches, pans and discussions of faith and hope of the Engineer Blumberg and Rabbi Bergman.
* Aníbal Fernández is known to have in its possession at least 25000 tickets for the game between the National Team and Canadian pair, who shared the Detva cameras that put a happy face and / or joy. Everyone knows that with such a moral crisis, institutional and economic, no one can be happy in this country, and want K reverse that image with painted cardboard. Even well known in the corridors, that those making a "V" with your fingers before a camera, have an audience and a harlequin hat available. That is why Tristan Bauer has set for our money a venture called Digital Television Service, which under the pretext of taking a service such as TV, for free, high quality throughout the country (you ever seen such a thing, since when something which is synonymous with status can be "for all") it really does is monitor the mass choripanera to identify those who actually meet the "operational happiness" and manage the corresponding gift.
* President not participating in public events because they are afraid of being rejected by the very people who can not buy. That is why not agree to be in our best arena next to our youngest head of government. (And if it participated in any public event will undoubtedly be because she loves public exhibition and want to profit from our top national holiday).
* parties are the real spontaneous, such as family game "off and on light" Patriot Lapegüe, an original way to share with neighbors without political factions and no vices patronage.
* It is no secret that those militants K bearing children and / or persons over the festivities, giving the impression to people that are real flesh and blood family, will be rewarded with a CD with songs from Barragan and a shirt 678, the tabloid revealed the official multimedia.
* The presence of the presidential Yegua all international conferences and its active participation in them, is a hang of it officers and lampoons TV Page12, The Argentine and Time, as we all know that our country is isolated from the world and far from the centers of global power, decision of the Montoneros who govern us to approach sudacas fourth as blacks in Venezuela, Ecuador, Brazil and throughout Latin America, the zoo barrage 2.0 we already believed extinct.
* Public participation and the requirement of an alleged media law that this society does not deserve, is an invention of the cybermilitantes ultraoficialistas, an army of nerds rented by Mariotto and Anibal Fernandez in charge of defaming a real and independent media and honest politicians like Carrie, Narvaez and Macri, in exchange for juicy envelopes from overflowing coffers Mercedes Marco del Pont, the filly usurping the throne of Redrado.

why this blog wants to put an end to this puppet. To be clear: A "people" do not mind the Bicentennial. Not happy, is afraid, silent, threatened, terrified, with want to go somewhere else. Here's repression, are in the midst of a dictatorship in disguise. planted judges honest opponents evidence. Do not fall into the trap. The Bicentennial is a new appropriation K of the values \u200b\u200bthey failed. It gives the other is Can the Kirchner. And we will not allow. Testing the song


see in these images a serving cybermilitante K, at times receiving envelopes of Mariotto and Anibal Fernandez along with indications of the lies they must post and things to say. The smell of chori and wine can not be perceived by the poor technology of the photos of this country, which in serious countries does not occur.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Spyed Female Masterbation

blogger for the Bicentennial

Thursday, May 20, 2010

What Is An Acrostic Poem For Forgiveness

Who's Afraid of digital television? Meeting blogger

shows Eva Peron, from the screen, the way of the release of the viewer national and popular.
Who's Afraid of digital television?
With new technology, millions of Argentines will no longer be hostage to the cable, monopolized by the Clarin group.

By Daniel Cecchini and Mark Cittadini
The implementation of Digital Terrestrial Television and the recently announced large investments in the area by the Government opened a new era in telecommunications in Argentina. It also means drawing a new map in the television market, which will end with the quasi-monopolistic position of the groups that now account for cable business, where Clarín is dominant.

The possibilities of this new reality are obvious. As announced by Planning Minister Julio De Vido, as part of the II International Forum on Digital TV made in Buenos Aires this week, the official target is to reach 75% of the country this year and all over Argentina in 2012. The official added that "before the end of the month will be delivered free receptors 450 000 to capture the digital signal and another 300 thousand will be awarded next month, to reach over 1,200,000 by the end of the year."

Moreover, the Ministry of Industry who heads Deborah Giorgi estimated that Digital TV will generate about 560 thousand jobs in the country, directly or indirectly from qualified personnel for the manufacturing of TV adapters (set- top box) to employees of the news channels were created from the system implementation.
The future is here. The launch of digital terrestrial television is the result of a long process in which each step required to face, from the beginning, strong pressure from the Grupo Clarin and its allies.

The Argentina-elected after proving that is widely accepted in the world, the Japanese standard in Brazilian adaptation (ISDB-T). This rule will allow transmission through the same airwaves broadcast several channels of high quality picture and not just one as in the current analog system. The pressure of the monopoly for the adoption of the U.S. standard was high due to several reasons. On the one hand, art acquired in recent years the latter compatible equipment. With the election of the Japanese standard will double your investment.

But the reasons are deeper. Clarín always advocated for the American standard (ATSC) because it is a standard high definition and not compression. The ATSC signal allows for each television channel high definition and digital definition not five, as the Japanese version. Within the company explained the strategy: "Thus, it would protect the signal power on channel 13 because the scanning frequency would cause of 13 can also be subdivided into five or even 10 channels. The big question is: in whose hands will be the five or ten channels? Everything indicates that one or two would be left by the investment group before and the others would be re-tendered. "

But it is clear that the worst that can happen to Clarín is that the state allow, through digitization and segmentation of the signals corresponding to the frequencies of air, the public can have access to between 20 and 50 channels open, digital, good quality and free.
No wonder: the major source of income of multimedia is the cable business, which operates in a quasi-monopolistic in major urban centers. With nearly 7 million people through monthly payments of around 100 pesos, worth billions of dollars a year. The free nature of Digital TV, plus the loss of football rights of First Division, will hurt the market by a percentage which is now estimated within the Group. The most optimistic projections for the company speak of a decline in the first string of suburbs, where the greatest concentration of population and the epicenter of the first stage in the development of digital TV, 20%. There, with one million subscribers to multichannel and Cablevision, the losses would 5 million and a half dollars a month. But that's just the beginning. To keep customers, they must reinvest in technology, something they were not used because the lack of competition made it necessary.

Here, some call attention to breaches of the commitments of investment holding. Sources close to warn: "There are fewer than 300 thousand users digitized. Digitization made it to high definition set-top box with (adapters) old, bought from a subsidiary of Motorola. Used and imported goods could pass with the excuse that it is not strictly for sale, as they deliver them on loan. But the user are paid. "

Others go further and imagine how difficult it will sell the Internet to those no longer cable customer.
A story with many traps. This is not the first time the Clarín Group conspires to information and entertainment leaving the market free. It should be a brief tour of the history of cable television to understand the consequences of their concentration in few hands. Its development is associated with lack of state policy for the entire country can watch TV in the open. Since Channel 7 began broadcasting with an antenna on the terrace of the Ministry of Social Welfare Policy expansion always focused on major urban centers. Content production inside and borders, unlike our neighboring countries, was low or absent in several periods of the second half of the twentieth century. That's why many towns developed in the mid-60s, closed circuit television to convey in these populations. Down some programming began in Buenos Aires or broadcast movies, with very low cost to residents. That was the genesis of a system for your communication within grew and after the middle of '80, business north of the capital and its suburbs were the business.

When the cable took massive size (La Argentina became the number one in the world in penetration, and is now ranked 3 with almost 60% of the population paid), entered the major market media. But there was something for everything to be perfect: no one could see the air television, even in big cities. There had always been the possibility, especially in capital and the GBA-to see the air channels and the old antenna that was considered a strong deficit for the introduction of cable policy. In the first half of the '90s, television companies, possess the vast majority of cable, power down the transmitter so that every time you look worse the air. To do that took refuge in a legal vacuum because the Broadcasting Act powers talked about the maximum that could have the TV and radio transmitters to invade not part of the spectrum but not for them to mandatory minimum power.

The perverse is that the cable was created to democratize communication private efforts and then becomes a weapon in concentrated industries that use it as a commercial vehicle first, destroying the television using its dominant position in the production of content and distribution as a form of political pressure.
The medium is the message. With the advent of DTT, the problem for Clarín is that little can be done openly to oppose something that is happening around the world. In Europe and the United States has already produced what is called the "analog switch off, Brazil will begin making digital TVs that do not need the adapter called set-top box. In a Digital Television Forum-similar to that developed in Buenos Aires-made in Mexico a few days ago, the director of the Commission's Telecommunications Market in Spain, José Pascual González Rodríguez said: "The transition from analog to digital television has revitalized the English electronic industry, as from the date that the blackout was set so far benefited over 10 000 companies, generating over 40 thousand jobs, including in the context of crisis. "

But also explained that his country also had resistance from network television.
"It is normal that the broadcasters do not want change because they have to invest more and may generate uncertainty, but they should know that if things are done fairly well will get more profits," he said.

Clarín To defend their interests public can only use weak arguments. In early April, was held in the city of Rosario a meeting of businessmen of the cable market was primarily used to whip the Government by the Law on Audiovisual Communication Services. But there was also space for digital TV. There Henoch Aguiar, former secretary of the National Telecommunications and one of the intellectual swords Group, addressed the issue stating that "the State must encourage private initiative and not destroy it." But he went further:

"The first question is: What is the legal underpinning of this venture? If you look at all broadcasting laws and competition, there is no support for the state to private enterprises that already have done, and can only have an intention ... will only create a monopoly of state capacity. " It is striking how Aguiar argument is related to deregulation mandated by the State Reform Act of Menem. "They can not do anything of surface oppose these measures, they seek to smear the court," say about Clarin. It is notable that this week, while De Vido launched the digital TV Land, the top of Clarín and news of art, dealing with an alleged case of bribery and tried to splash the Ministry Federal Planning, without any proof or even a convincing indication. The front page of Clarin said Tuesday, setting the suspicion: "Sales to Venezuela: De Vido decided who got paid." But the drop clarified that "it was legal, but allowed arbitrary." On Thursday, also at the top, former vice governor of Santa Cruz Edward Arnold complained: "In business with Venezuela, no doubt paid bribes." But then the note could read:

- Heard in Venezuela that will talk about fees or money?

-No. Not that.

If the discussion of Law Services Audiovisual Communication stripped the Group's interests, the implementation of digital television leads them to shift its attacks to the Government at the prospect of losing further concentrated markets and thus fail to win millions of dollars a month.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Driver License Generator Us

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pink Sauce At The Hibachi Grill

Free America - Ecuador

Comrade Rafael Correa, (after the General, the President more pintón of history), speaks in the language of the Peronist, who goes to the heart, about the benefits that free software brings to our nations and our peoples. And we briefly explain policy adoption and development of SL he drove in the sister Republic of Ecuador.
share with you this small sample of Peronist revolutionary fervor.

PJ Boys and girls, still working for the paradigm of freedom, NO to monopolies, inclusion and solidarity will be installed in our beloved Argentina.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Top 5 Vacation Spots In The World

SL Birthday Eva Peron

On the day of his birthday, the Argentinean people Spiritual Leader, directs a brief message to his greasers by National Chain:

Dear shirtless:
Time passes, the years happen and I'm still here with you. As I promised, I am always to and of your hand. In this, my birthday ninety-one, I'm so young and vital and in my thirties. That's because, colleagues, unique, purely and simply, I love potion that lavish and prepare yourself to take in his memory and in their hearts.
[ ovation from the crowd ]
General Perón, always by my side, has left us his doctrine, but many who claim to have companions handled, for selfish ends, sepoys and death, betraying [Whistles ] Justicialista Linuxero National Movement for a few coins. We all know their names, know their faces today are trying to undermine the work of the companion Cristina [ applause and approval of the mass ] allying with the historical enemies of Peronism, which is the historical enemies of the Argentine people.
Within days of the Bicentennial, the servant of the people's cause, is celebrating his birthday with you, listening to the most wonderful music and being alert. Knowing that the murderers of 55 are still loaded with weapons.
And finally, we know that the new Five-Year Plan, provided that truth which says that only privileged children are, computers will be awarded to all students attending public schools. Careful with that fellow. A computer is hardware + software. You can not take things apart. And if computers have proprietary software we are giving our descamisaditos multinationals. I will say that the machines also come with Rxart version of Linux, well comrades, while Linux, Rxart belongs to the ilk that I said before, those who call classmates but betray the cause for some coins. Yes, Ubuntu, Debian, Gnewsense and many more, but not those who will not even publish their repositories.
a deep embrace, I carry in my heart, and thank you for coming to greet me on my birthday.

far, transmitted LRA1 National Radio and the radio network comprising the national radio networks, which as of this moment, resumed its regular broadcasting.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Center Pieces For Quincenera

TCOS TCOS how great you are ...

release from the Foundation Eva Peron to the shirtless :

is known that in these times where the so-called "globalization" attempts to end the regional economies, sovereignty economic and social justice emerging nations, one of the legs is technological obsolescence. Proprietary software, disregard for the standards and exploitation in the Middle East, make corporate deception pass through the mass haer believe that the older computers in two years, as if such a thing were possible. Luckily, the girl Peronist and ecological (although these terms go hand in hand) is responsible for reviving many dismiss these machines and bring them to equip schools with cutting edge technology laboratories. The thin client system TCOS, developed by the English partner Mario Izquierdo, is proud that allows connect to a server (actually a practically standard PC) to more than ten clients (computers "obsolete") and all work as if it were modern. Representing a significant savings for schools, and a pride because it is made entirely from free software. A group of colleagues, with support from the Ministry of Social Action of Argentina, have undertaken the task of installing TCOS in several vocational training centers of the Province of Buenos Aires, and we have sent the pictures to share them. The presentation of the material obtained, evaluation and closure will be in June, but put the photos online so you can see inside the software free no limit to the Peronist people. Teachers and students installing free schools, training of fellow teachers.
invite you to look at the pictures