Friday, July 30, 2010

Maximize Heat From Steam Radiator

PyRenamer K

As everyone knows, (and thanks to the unmasking of us who have made pictures such as Pablo Sirven, Luis Majul, Elisa Carrio, Mauricio Macri and Jorge Bergoglio) bloggers are a clandestine society-government , rented and that under the leadership of Anibal Fernandez we are dedicated to publishing lies the chief of staff happens to us promptly. There is in us the slightest interest for the common good, civic participation or freedom to express ourselves, but we move the envelope every month Nestor in hand gives us, if we produced the least desirable, and of course, provided that the former president is not busy planting false causes the heads of government know how to manage.
outclassed by the gauchócratas, the soybean, the Church, PRO, Clarín and La Nación, since they, in pursuit of a great Argentina do everything for love of country. Just listen to your table, the anointed Mauricio Macri, repeat every two minutes that he "came into politics to see people happy, because he loves this country"
fact that was the difference between our petty interests and philanthropy of the true heroes of today, we have a detail to be resolved. Just as New York's mafia has to butchers and restaurants as a cover for his real business, bloggers have to build a pantomime to gather, receive a reprimand, a sleeve reap more or to access the prize "Employee of the Month" which is chori double and a full wine instead of a glass, as is usual in the common part payment of the scribes.
As part of this farce, organized in La Plata (in suggestive name), ie in the very capital of the nation, according to Susana Gimenez, a meeting to finish expose this charade does nothing to consensus national and that luck will be in 2011 along with this corrupt sleeve increases to retirees only to raise the consumption of paco, bingo and viagra. So without further
laps, I pass the poster and those who want to go, are invited:

Luis Majul Hopefully, Joaquín Morales Solá and Mariano Grondona to send their researchers and to expose another lie from the mare and you jedi.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Furniture Polish On Skis


Peronism and are free software movement. That means dynamic, change, involvement, activism. Spiritual Leader of the Argentinean people, I welcome and bless the participation of youth in our cause. Today I received a letter in which the partner Paul Ilari, a file on me. Xml with the following explanation:

Bearer of the poor, sent him a partnership for your blog, and I think it is an excellent platform to achieve you reach the town.
is a simple file that adds the names of the channels in the program TVTIME who use it and have the Cablevision service (if a little Gorilón cable).
The file is located at:

/ home / username / .tvtime
And I thank you the greasers Paul, who share the knowledge with us, and is the spearhead of the epic Justicialista. says General: All forces are used in our movement being noble and loyal and all Men are welcome if they come with loyalty and sincerity to serve under our flag . With his wisdom, the General says you should not feel embarrassed or discouraged from using a cable system gorilla. The Media Act is underway and would soon be enacted. Meanwhile, share access to this technology with your colleagues in the Basic Unit.

From this link you can download the file, and just keep it as indicating the companion Paul.

Now, my dear greasers, I leave you in peace, working for the Patria Grande. On the one Argentina for everyone. I hold you in my heart.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tilt Shift Adaptor Nikon

EvitaLinuxera PJ comes to the press cycle

Press release of Department of the Foundation Eva Peron

This humble blog has been mentioned in the traditional newspaper
This mime, is dedicated to all those who accuse the bloggers are saying paid, knowing that the militancy is not explained, not a business or a search of objections from simply providing a place for a brick to build a free country, just and sovereign.

Thanks mates, thanks dear greasers Internet.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

How To Make Helmet Football Cake

open talks in Buenos Aires

The companion Eva Peron, is aimed at workers Atanor Barrio in Carapachay, to mark the first anniversary of the creation of this neighborhood: Dear

You well know my constant work on the dissemination and teaching of the programming language Python PJ. For three years, Eva Perón Foundation has begun providing free official journal of the language courses at the Training School San Cayetano.
also have spread, and we will continue steadfastly, news, tips, lessons and much open source and Peronist pythonero ( applause and cheers.)
Today, on this day Holidays, I want to make an announcement that I know that will be very happy. General Perón teaches us that the best alternative is to go "home to work and work at home", held in the social gains that we no longer enslaved to the will of a gorilla and exploitative employer. The worker of the times, have free time to spend with family time, time to rest, time to study and military time to the creation of the new Argentina! ( ovation from the working masses )
To take Saturday off enjoyed by workers, a fellow Python Argentina (PyAr) have organized open discussion for everyone to learn more about the language programming chosen by the PJ. Anyone can participate, no matter the degree of knowledge that have: no lectures for beginners, binders, experts and gurus.
The event is a must for all those who follow the General Perón and his teachings Pythonera program, National and Popular. can download the program from here talks. The best exponents of culture Pythonera be present, co Alejandro Cura, Facundo Batista, Roberto Alsina, Lucio Torre, Hector Sanchez, Roberto Allende, Manuel Kauffman, Mariano Reingart, Thomas Zulberti, Gabriel Genellina. That is, a true national team Pythoneros. The best of our country giving talks to the cap. Only in days Peronists is possible that such gift to the people.
The chosen site is home to the FM radio Tribe, there Lambaré 873 of the gorilla and separatist CABA. Go my thoughts and my support for fellow FM La Tribu, popular stronghold in the city of Buenos Aires.
The thing begins Saturday July 24 with " Introduction to Programming" by fellow Facundo Batista. Hope to see you there, and know that there is progress of a nation without the happiness of his people. I take forever in my heart, my congratulations go to the colleagues who made possible This series of workshops, I can foresee a complete success and a unique sense of bienenestar for duty.

Note: The photo illustrating this post, General Perón seen leaving the presentation of the series of talks, proudly showing his first Python code. The Bearer of the poor laughs heartily in recalling to reporters that General instead of "Hello World" pulled a u "Comrades!"

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sailboat Hull For Sale

> OpenGL? 10 other reasons

While we're on the controversial ... to do the opposite too!

1) Direct3D comes with Windows ,

OpenGL driver comes with . A version of OpenGL drivers that come with windows, they support OpenGL out on purpose.
In practice this is not so much as in USA, Europe, etc almost all PCs are branded and OEM them
install the latest drivers available. But in the Third World is not so ..

2) OpenGL 2.0 not available in Intel GMA .

Intel does not provide support for OpenGL 2.0 drivers in Windows (but DirectX9c support). Just goes to GL 1.4. Mac In
, SI provides support intel GL2, and the semi driver / opensource X11 (Linux ) also supports it, so the hardware is not the problem. Probably a political decision from Intel , or any arrangement with Microsoft. This is a major problem, since all OEM PCs and notebooks come with Intel processors come with GMA.

3) OpenGL> 1.1 does not come with Visual Studio .

Microsoft provides virtually no support for OpenGL, all in windows is done with. Luckily there GLEW, but not updated as often. DXSDK comes with DirectX.

4) Direct3D implements the new features first.

The order is usually a) Direct3D draws a new specification
b) NVidia / ATI implement hardware
c) OpenGL version makes its

Although this latest iteration, OpenGL nvidia 4 was ahead, but you never know ..

5) Direct3D defines very well what
supports hardware OpenGL
In theory also, by extension, but in practice, implementing many more fetures Nvidia in OpenGL
of what the board supports, and emulated by software, making it unusable and very difficult to guess that feature
not use that plate to everything will stop 1fps .

6) Direct3D shaders compile always the same.

If the shader compiles Nvidia, ATI will compile. OpenGL is supposed to be the same, but ATi complains more things than Nvidia, which makes it quite hard to write shaders to compile on all platforms.

7) Direct3D9 instancing support, OpenGL does not.

in Direct3D9 SM3 hardware instancing support, not OpenGL. While multiple calls to glDrawElements / Arrays are cheap in OpenGL, you start going back thousands of expensive items (eg to draw grass).

8) Direct3D9 comes with very many official examples.

The quality of the documentation of D3D and GL is quite debatable, but the truth is that D3D is full of example because they come with the SDK, and permissive licenses. While GL is enough, found on the Internet is more complicated. In D3D is more comfortable and less time wasted. In general, most of the papers of Game Developer are in D3D, and the majority of scientific papers are in GL.

9) Direct3D comes with more tools for debugging Direct3D

PIX, better support for FX composer, D3DDebug, etc.

10) drive the industry Direct3D

Because Microsoft drives the industry and imposes D3D rhythm,
keeps coming new hardware and Intel / ATI / NVidia agree.
When was the standard OpenGL, each plate had its own extensions
that were not supported in the other, making scheduling more complex games.
(eg, TruForm ATI, Nvidia Combine4, etc).


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How Can U Tell If A Diaper

The idiot guide to sell your games Indie

Again with marketing and again in the resources section. In this case to bring an article entitled " The Idiot's Guide to Marketing Your Indie Game", something like an idiot or stupid guide to selling our own indie games, a shortie but quality article.

The link: Gamasutra

Monday, July 12, 2010

Can Too Much Soda Cause Canker Sores?

Today in the resources section we will bring a page designer, amateur, professional , people who want to take up the drawing , etc. It is a page where you can find very many tutorials on drawing. In this page you are taught to draw bodies, faces, sights, to use different programs drawing, etc. The truth highly recommended for all that you are interested in the environment.

The link: http://old.dibujando. net / tutoriales.php

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hairdressing Uniforms

Python Bluetooth for everyone

The companion Eva Peron, spiritual leader of the people of Argentina, goes shirtless in relation to marriage and equal access ASUS eeepc bluetooth:


these days, prophets of obscurantism in charge of dividing the society. Rise from the pulpits insulted the gay companions, preventing these couples get married and have the same rights we all have in this country Peronist. As the General "It is a centralized government, an organized state and a free people, free to love, raise a family with whom she wishes, free to live in peace and that diversity will help us to continue to give hints of this revolution Justicialismo called social and popular.

There are very powerful sectors. Those in the '55 shot the people and forcibly overthrew their leader. Those in the '76 blessed the torturers and turned their backs on the truth. Those who during the Menem administration were complicit in the waste in return for meager handouts. I speak of the Church brothers and sisters. Or rather, the Judas of the church, which gold coins attack homosexual partners, threatened and coerced into the Senate, embrace with the Rural Society and go to program Grondona. Today

again set themselves up as defenders of society. An order that no one did, rather, are asked to let us choose life and freedom. In the new Argentina, there is only one class of men: those who work. The only privileged are the children and others are all equal. Before God and the Fatherland. Respect for others. When you feel different.

Peronist Gays are these days, the expression of a struggle that has many fronts, one enemy and an inexorable end. The victory of social justice. Support their struggle, from our places. Kill fascism, internal and external. We fight for freedom for all.

And in that struggle, we have the case of those who today have an ASUS netbook, these technological marvels, now available to the masses, thanks to the Peronist social economy. But these netbooks, allied monopolies, come with the sepoy window $ installed. Fortunately there is always a cowboy who helps a buddy and I installed Aurora or the most popular Ubuntu Netbook Remix. But it often happens that the bluetooth does not walk to finish installing Ubuntu, and need a bit of coding PJ.

Open a terminal and write:

sudo vim / etc / default / grub


And add:

acpi_osi = Linux

with which we would something like:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT = "quiet splash acpi_osi = Linux "

Save the file and lastly, dear comrades, do:

sudo update-grub2

Reboot and solved, we have Bluetooth enabled.

That is the Peronist, concrete solutions, intelligence, collaboration and equality.

I hold you in my heart.