Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sailboat Hull For Sale

> OpenGL? 10 other reasons

While we're on the controversial ... to do the opposite too!

1) Direct3D comes with Windows ,

OpenGL driver comes with . A version of OpenGL drivers that come with windows, they support OpenGL out on purpose.
In practice this is not so much as in USA, Europe, etc almost all PCs are branded and OEM them
install the latest drivers available. But in the Third World is not so ..

2) OpenGL 2.0 not available in Intel GMA .

Intel does not provide support for OpenGL 2.0 drivers in Windows (but DirectX9c support). Just goes to GL 1.4. Mac In
, SI provides support intel GL2, and the semi driver / opensource X11 (Linux ) also supports it, so the hardware is not the problem. Probably a political decision from Intel , or any arrangement with Microsoft. This is a major problem, since all OEM PCs and notebooks come with Intel processors come with GMA.

3) OpenGL> 1.1 does not come with Visual Studio .

Microsoft provides virtually no support for OpenGL, all in windows is done with. Luckily there GLEW, but not updated as often. DXSDK comes with DirectX.

4) Direct3D implements the new features first.

The order is usually a) Direct3D draws a new specification
b) NVidia / ATI implement hardware
c) OpenGL version makes its

Although this latest iteration, OpenGL nvidia 4 was ahead, but you never know ..

5) Direct3D defines very well what
supports hardware OpenGL
In theory also, by extension, but in practice, implementing many more fetures Nvidia in OpenGL
of what the board supports, and emulated by software, making it unusable and very difficult to guess that feature
not use that plate to everything will stop 1fps .

6) Direct3D shaders compile always the same.

If the shader compiles Nvidia, ATI will compile. OpenGL is supposed to be the same, but ATi complains more things than Nvidia, which makes it quite hard to write shaders to compile on all platforms.

7) Direct3D9 instancing support, OpenGL does not.

in Direct3D9 SM3 hardware instancing support, not OpenGL. While multiple calls to glDrawElements / Arrays are cheap in OpenGL, you start going back thousands of expensive items (eg to draw grass).

8) Direct3D9 comes with very many official examples.

The quality of the documentation of D3D and GL is quite debatable, but the truth is that D3D is full of example because they come with the SDK, and permissive licenses. While GL is enough, found on the Internet is more complicated. In D3D is more comfortable and less time wasted. In general, most of the papers of Game Developer are in D3D, and the majority of scientific papers are in GL.

9) Direct3D comes with more tools for debugging Direct3D

PIX, better support for FX composer, D3DDebug, etc.

10) drive the industry Direct3D

Because Microsoft drives the industry and imposes D3D rhythm,
keeps coming new hardware and Intel / ATI / NVidia agree.
When was the standard OpenGL, each plate had its own extensions
that were not supported in the other, making scheduling more complex games.
(eg, TruForm ATI, Nvidia Combine4, etc).



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