Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How Many Calories Pop Secret Homestyle Bag

The Five Freedoms

From "intimate contact" Virginia Satir

  1. The freedom to be and listen to what is here, rather than it should be, was or will be.
  2. The freedom to say what one feels and thinks , instead of what one should feel and think.
  3. The freedom to feel what you feel , instead of what one should feel.
  4. freedom to order what you want , instead of waiting for permission to do so.
  5. freedom to take risks on your own , instead of choosing only what is "safe" and not risk.

Almond Acid Digestion

More video game music!

Siguendo line of video game music, this time we bring another page with a good amount of music for games, the amount is not as much as we saw in the previous release, but is equally useful.
A site with good design and a great value especially for those who make or want to start on the topic of video game music composition.

The Link:

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Is My Chihuahua Pregnant

Cooking Lesson ... YELLOW

To: Lissette
Cooking Lesson ...
In the city of Caracas, in one of the most privileged by its location and commercial variety, there was a very famous square, known for its restaurants which not only enjoyed the benefit of offering varieties, specialties and tastes, especially also to the strange magic that characterized because the people who were lucky enough plates to test their dreams could never quit. But at a cost very high, the wait of having to book 6 months in advance.
One day, two cooks gourmet restaurants of the same branch of the block, decided to investigate.
While customers were happy, felt anger of not being the only ones there. They watched with envy as their customers frequented the restaurant of your competitor without understanding why it did not stop if their magical dishes apparently by what they heard from Hall and praise comments were the best.
For this reason they decided to investigate their clients ...
agreed to use a card that would be delivered to customers after completion of their food, where they said ...
After completing his gastronomic delights for which we have strived to serve you, we will return, but we do not know is why he stopped doing so. We want to know the love and gentleness with our cook who works to make your dish a sublime experience where you forget the problems and stress of the city. Thereby inundating your senses from the first bite. Of so that chef asked to change only let you know that is first felt at the start and end your special dish. And what reasons would have to try it in another restaurant than to have the opportunity.
Thus, for a week standing in their finest dishes and specialties, gave everything they knew in the kitchen. Actually this week was a waste of aromas, flavors and flattering ... so impressive that word spread quickly throughout the city that seemed to want to visit them entirely from this week gastronomic magic for those restaurants and star chefs. One by one they prepared their suggestions and demands of customers who came from everywhere, but without forgetting to deliver the card where you would know the reason why his opponent would visit the kitchen.
In this way and end the rivalry week decided to take a couple of days to rest and review the cards together with the expected answers to their paradigms. Surprisingly found that at the beginning, all clients felt happy to bring delight to eat requested that finally felt sorry for how difficult it would return and that the reasons to try another restaurant was trying to feel the same as the beginning of each dish served.
Thus, after a day of meditation and discussion concluded that his kitchen was the best no matter who visit customers to its competitor, the product of love and commitment in his wake kitchen melancholy and desire to return to their clients and that the secret was not to know who wanted more, but how to get to meet more customers in the same way to replicate the initial experience and guarantee to return at the time they want. Because learning to receive more often to their customers, enabling them to test their product delights of love, affection and dedication is what made them memorable in the kitchen.

Alvaro Murillo

Popcorn Coconut Oil Montreal

the donkey.

YELLOW the donkey.
By Maria Mercedes Gómez and M.

There once was a donkey born of the sun and moon. Their manes were golden as the sun and his body was silvery as the moon and steel. Her father saw her as strong, so big and blond call with affection and pride, "My Burra Yellow." His mother working Luna pending cycles, tides, the wolves ... he was always and is awaiting her, to care, feed, pamper and Sun her father never tired and never tires of contemplating.

The Yellow Burra knew of his gifts and used them wisely, no great shakes but the most sure Don was his strength and constant desire to work. She was so big and strong, rarely brayed, he did just that: very much bored, or other animal on the mountain ... There brayed bothered Yes, hard as she was and if I had the chance I was about, kicked him ZAZ!! and sent them with his strength far, far away ...

donkey His condition had much good, but too many things not so good, she knew and to the extent that he discovered the gifts and defects accept as their own and integrate them into their own lives (good and bad that she recognized him, and said: That's MINE.

The Burra Yellow-understand language in its life- its not so good things were dedicated to his work itself, their ability to grow and reinvent themselves. Everything you wanted and loved the donkey did his, that feature was the reason many pleasures and pains. All I was carrying her, her bags were always packed to bursting. Strong very strong La Burra ... no support for her by her condition donkey "can cope with that."

A passionate ass, makes his charges its possession, the fact shows that hard work it is very interested, anyone could know what and who loved her because she worked and worked. Anybody but her, who was in the bustle of coming and going and nothing is falling.

had things easy to work and work very hard things, even after long time, she continues to bear some issues known to be difficult for her, she loves them loose, remember, love them ... The donkey can with it, it loads and loads, is strong, knows how to carry heavy loads and if they are loved more and more.

One day he encountered a comfortable laziness that cherry on a branch of a mango tree ... immediately the donkey was going around all the time without stopping, I noticed that recently moved Sloth, not carrying anything and that also was smiling ... The Burra one day he brayed desperately,

- THAT ARE LOOSE! - What are you doing HUNG Day after day, hour after hour, minute by minute? - Hanging WHAT IS NOT BETTER ONCE FALL? -TO MUCH WORK TO BE DONE AND YOU DO NOT HUNG OVER THERE ANYTHING TO BE THERE, I CAN NOT UNDERSTAND ...

Sloth (still smiling and pleasant) said:

- I'm doing the work that you do not.

The donkey brayed again, but now even kicked the wind with their hind legs.

-¡¡¡¡¡ BRAZEN !!!!!- He told laziness. He continued:

- How is it that you're doing my job? Is my job I do, I'm very responsible, very committed to my cause? I carry my burden, not neglect, nor to impose it on anyone, breathed deeply, and more calm but still very agitated and baffled by the presumption of laziness.

Sloth replied

"Here I am watching you and watching closely your every move from day to day, hour after hour, minute by minute. Thinking, reflecting, and trying to figure out what you can help make the work you do not. Ahhhh! Also ... on my break to see you, I meditate a little, I charge of the energy from the sun, enjoy the smell of the forest, I feel the rain from the sky, tasting the various handles that gives it it kills me, and when they see me (because already spent) I love a lazy beautiful, big and smart, which he liked, who lives in another branch of this same mat that brings me crazy for him. Then come back here and I hope to pass it again to keep thinking, thinking and trying to figure out what you can help make the work you do not.

Colorín colorado this story is not over ...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dress Shops In The Mall On Walden

Open Source Alternative to 3D modeling Music

Today we bring two Open Source alternatives to 3D modeling, surely many people use 3D Max, AutoCad , Maya, etc. All payments, but also There are alternatives that are OpenSource tools and excellent power comparable with those Softs.
The first case is that of Blender.

The page is

Some things you can do with the program.

Nothing to envy.

As a second alternative we can find similar YafaRay excellent alternative to the above. The page is

Some things you can do with the program

AeroRobo by artiztz Honda NAS by kellyq Peugeot 206 WRC by Gabich 'La pointe' by Tase

Judge for yourselves!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Spitting Blood In The Morning

games! Registering a project

In this installment we are going to leave a page that has far more than 30,000 music files games. Interesting is not it?, Page design is somewhat "Ugly" or unattractive, but the content of it is truly impressive and highly recommended.

The sections are divided by consoles have great variety of consoles and an impressive database!.

The Link:

Herpes How To Deal With Pain

neurons that shaped civilization.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Horizontal Slat Fences Toronto

X Training X

Being a Practitioner NLP involves many things, first: consciousness. Awareness of how you can be happy, how can you be more genuine, how you can help yourself and others to be more fulfilled beings.
"The Art and Science of Excellence"
March 12 started the X training and I excited about the comments, the brightness in the eyes of the participants when they say "Uauuuu, if I had known this before." The important thing is that now you know ...
still have a chance to register. March 28 will be giving the recovery of the first module as an exception.
dates are the following modules:

Module 2: 09 and April 10

Module 3: 07 and May 8

Module 4: 11 and June 12

Module 5: 09 and July 10

Module 6: ; 06 and August 7

If you want more information, call 0424 986 0212 256 5855 and 4254

Friday, February 4, 2011

Tattoos In Male Genital

Practitioners of NLP Training NLP Practitioners - top 12 and 13 March

Elisabeth NLP Tepper Kofod
Master Practitioner, NLP Trainer and Coach. Genuine
ContactTM Professional.
Systemic Therapy - Trained in Family Constellations
Lenin NLP Wilhelm (Instituto Venezolano de PNL), Pedro Henriquez, and Inma Capo (The International Institute for NLP)

invited: X
Practitioners of NLP TRAINING
6 modules (one weekend per month) 2011: Beginning
12 and March 13 from 9am to 5pm

in the coffee, Caracas.
If you want a solid foundation and put it into practice ...
If you want to use NLP at work and in your personal relationships. If you want to improve your relationship with family (children, parents, partners, siblings, etc.). ...
If you want to improve your communication. If you want to be aware of how you communicate and you can express yourself more assertively ...
If you have more tools to help you and others ...
If you would like to feel more security and go to groups trusting yourself ... This training
remember that language is related to your thoughts and behaviors they generate and physiological reactions. Remember how we anchored at certain times and situations and how we can create new positive anchors. Remember listening to the answers to these questions to help you raise your own resources. Recognize the hypnotic language and how it is used.
Improve your relationship with yourself, with people you love, with your coworkers. Boost your self-esteem, find the motivation within you. Recognize your potential.
See yourself in the light of knowledge, listen to yourself talking more secure and feel the anticipation of new experiences for personal growth.
upon completion of this training, you will be able to not only help yourself but to others, in your family environment, work, social ..
NLP is the art and science of excellence, a model that allows us to develop different options to communicate, develop ourselves and feel as being successful and happy.
They say that if the PNL had to be summarized in a three-minute seminar, would be more or less like this: the director of the seminar would come and say
'Ladies and gentlemen, to succeed in life just have to remember three things: First
Instead, know what they want, have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat goal they want to achieve in every situation.
Second, be alert and keep your senses open so that they realize what they are getting.
Third, have the flexibility to be changing their ways until they get what they wanted. "
Then write on the blackboard: Objective


Flexibility And leave. "
And this is what you learn, remember, to realize that yes you can transform your

Content Module I: The Pillars NLP. Presuposciones of NLP. Rules of the mind. Maps, Territories and Filters. Ecology. The Magic # 7 - Conscious and Unconscious. Desired Results - Goals. PAW. Meta-goals - Goal-outcomes. Beliefs. Learning Process. Logic Levels. Tuning Synchronization Report. Pacing.
Module II: The Senses and representation systems or channels. Eye accessing clues. Calibration - The Nonverbal Language: Macrocomportamientos and micro-behaviors. Sensory Acuity. Verbal predicates. Submodalities.
Module III: Rhythmicity Future (Time Orientation). Internal States. Associate and disassociate. Perceptual positions. Induction. Anchors. Change Personal History.
Module IV: Communication. Language Metamodel. Feedback (feedback). Timeline. Beliefs and evidence. Strategies. TOTE-POPS
Module V: Milton Model. Trance. Metaphors. Disney Creativity Strategy. Phobias. Nested Loops. The Process of Change.
Module VI: Unified Field of NLP. Consistencies and inconsistencies. Behavioral Marcos. Reframing. Sleight of Mouth (Sleight Verbal). Satir categories.
Investment per participant:
Please call or write to send you information

The program includes support materials, refreshments and certificate of participation or training.

deposit to confirm your participation in the Bank Savings Account # 0151-0058-31-580-037984-2
Common Fund to: Elisabeth Tepper.

Book and Register Now
For more information call 0212 986 4254 - 0416 424 7359 - 0424 256 5855 or write to

comment Read what the participants in previous training NLP Practitioner with Elisabeth Tepper in C2% BFQu% C3% A9% 3F%

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Biggest Indian Breasts

from 12 and 13 March - NLP Practitioner

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Orlando, Cruise, Spots

I'll make a stop on the path of music to write a post that will serve to meet several people who have written me recently the same subject and pass will be worth to future visitors who are in the same situation.

When we have an idea and put it on paper, there will be a magical moment that we say, you're done!, I have it finished!, And now ... what do with it?

registréis is essential that your works to prevent copying, misunderstandings and especially because if you want to send it to a studio or distributor, both English and foreign, it is normal that you ask to have it registered. Why? Very simple, because on the one hand say they are talking or negotiating with the person who has the rights and second, because it is not possible misunderstandings of the type "I have left my paper game and the month has come as a game the market. "

is the practice ground and I also ask people that you send me your ideas.

Now, how we record and I have to do. There are two ways, l more easily and quickly when we do not want to complicate it "creative commons " is very easy to use, you do everything online and in less than a minute wham, you have it. You can also choose what type of license you want, if people can edit your work, if just to share, if they can play freely, and so on. It is a very good choice because you can record both text and drawings you make, whether of characters or drawings of maps for the game.

Creative License
Example Commoms

But my personal opinion is that this license is useful when you are negotiating or not is something really serious. Creative Commoms is valid under English law, but in case of problems or to sign a document more weight still go to the registry. Second option

go to the registration of intellectual property . This procedure is very slow, tedious because you have to go to their offices, you must pay a fee but pay almost symbolic, but facing a trial or to sign a contract has more than turned out to present your work to the registration of intellectual property . All the info you have in the ministry's website but basically here is to bring 2 copies of the book, with pages numbered well presented and spiral bound and printed book well padded. Now

cons of this alternative. The first that you are going to find is that there is nothing like a video game in the English legislation, as always, the state operates several decades behind the company, which will have to record as a literary work, if I know that a script school, but a design document ... is not literary, but want to tell you.
takes about 6 months to give the property, and you have to check, during which time you can start showing your work and sign a contract valid if you want because the number of your work while you are validated. And to end this I will always happen, the property of USA does not recognize the EU, so we do not care if you're selling something for the American market. But we can not record anything there because they are American citizens. They could do as the Romans and give citizenship to all people who live under his rule, we would make life easier!. With what will ultimately be more important to sign the contract commercial logging, but also will ask you to have your work registered.

Although there are other more technical possibilities, these are the basic and most used. I recommend you get along with the Creative Commoms while is a sketch or something simple and when you have your design document super currado, you approach the intellectual property registry. I hope I have helped

PS: If you are not from Spain, every country has a registration of intellectual property such as English and Creative Commoms is everywhere:)

Source: http://www. /

Friday, January 28, 2011

Skip-bo Hand Held Game

Games, an industry continue to develop serious

is the youngest, powerful and least known of Argentina, there are 65 companies that develop products for everyone

Laura Reina

a boy, he spent his playing Lucas video games. Big, too. The industry is part of the younger, vibrant, playful and less known in Argentina: the video game industry.
What began ten years ago by the hand of young and enthusiastic self-taught in private garages and basements today has become a competitive sector which brings together 65 companies, the majority of SMEs ", which employs over 2000 people and 50 million bill dollars a year, according to a recent report by the Center for Metropolitan Economic Development (DESC), along with the Game Developers Association of Argentina (ADVA).
New media like the Internet (especially since the explosion social networks) or mobile cellular type, allowing instant and free access to a mass audience and not necessarily a fan of games, lit the fuse of an industry that is growing. And also helped the continued development of modern consoles like the PlayStation (Sony) or Wii (Nintendo), which concentrate the public truly fanatical, demanding and aware of new releases.
"The first turning point that paved the sector's boom was the move into casual games, designed for all audiences, with rules simple and free or very low cost. This broadened the concept of game and managed approach segments that previously had no way to access this type of entertainment, "says the report.
According to Sebastian Uribe, director of the Department of Game of the Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA), by 2005 the industry was good amateur. "Today people are asked formed, with knowledge and experience. Five years ago there was a requirement. Hired before fanatic people who did the work for little money. Now it does not happen, the sector was professionalized.
95 percent of video games developed in the country are exported. In the world order, Argentina is a competitive market that combines good human resources with low prices, but the latter is beginning to change. Martin Repetto, CEO of Minor Studios, a company dedicated to developing games for Mac and PC, which integrates social networking and devices like iPhone and iPad commented, "We are becoming cheaper, but better quality."
"Develop a game in Argentina is getting more expensive by factors such as inflation or the high salaries paid in the industry. Countries like India, Romania and China are becoming cheaper and more capable, but we still have The advantage of locating culturally closer to Europe and the United States, who are our main customers. "
cultural affinity with Europe and the States Together, they represent over 70% of console gaming market and about 50% of online game is a strength that stands Chilcowski Andres, founder and CEO of NGD Studios. Among his achievements Regnum Online, a game that already enjoys more than 150 countries.
"Today, many Argentine companies that only provided development services for others are creating their own intellectual property, which is where the true value of the industry," said Chilcowski, adding that only one in ten games is really successful.
But, despite progress, the local gaming industry will need to "explode." "It has not happened hit that big national industry. Now there is an opportunity to occur with many products being developed and published in most markets around the world, including Europe and the United States, "said CEO QB9, Alfredo Cattan.
The company is the creator , among others, Doors of Mind , PandemicyMundo Gaturro , a game designed for children who "run" on the Internet. "The growing trend is to develop games across multiple access platforms. For example, start playing on Facebook and follow my departure from an iPhone, "said Cattan, who said that 90% of what develop export it, although the market is starting to move.
founder and CEO of Three Melons, Patricio Jutard, said that despite the growth of the last time the industry did not make the big leap. "We need more coverage and have more places where people can be trained formally, and we must fight piracy," said Jutard, who sees great prospects for developing social games multiplayer and free.
Part of FIFA 2010 is Argentina Within the industry, developing games for consoles such as PlayStation or Wii is one of the strongest bets. These are big productions that require an investment of between 5 and 15 million dollars and more than a year of work. In the jargon of the game, called AAA. In Argentina, Sabarasa is one of the companies that produce and publish video game console. "Here, the development of video games for consoles is very strong, but as there is no legal market have less visibility," he said Javier Otaegui, founder and CEO of Sabarasa.
Globant, Argentina technology company that develops software products, is another strong commitment to the development of AAA video games. The company dedicates two of the seven departments that has a game-one development and another test, which, in total, grouped in 800 people. In Globant developed part of FIFA 2010 the game sold the year. Diego Ignacio
Cantalupo and Tarter, director of Technical Operations and the Department of Gaming Globant, say they make video games is as complex as a film. The secret of a successful video game: "Good idea, implementation capacity and timing . Today, the important thing is to come first, because that idea and may have thought before," they said Cantalupo and cake. Game over. 2001

Beginnings In the midst of crisis comes an industry hand amateur young fans of video games, without training or previous experience. Of these enterprises
and arises Argentina as a software developer country at competitive prices. Romania, India and China are the other countries chosen to develop games.
From 2005 to present, the industry has grown and has become professional. Integrate young people no longer amateurs, but people with experience and academic training, one-person
appear the basis of the video game industry. Survive the more adventurous, associate and founded the first industry SMEs.
development begin to emerge the first business opportunities. Foreign companies are beginning to look to emerging markets to cheaper
costs but not specific. In fact, one of the weaknesses of the industry is to have no academic programs for these professionals, who require constant updating. 2015

The expectation
Prospects are good and in fact are expected to exploit the local industry with a "big hit" to revolutionize the video game market in the world order. Builders
phenomenon 1. Game Designer: define the gameplay and characters from an idea embodied in a document so that the programmer and 3D artists to develop
the game. Average salary: $ 4500
2. Writer, artist and 2D 3D, and musician, the writer develops scenes designed by the designer and create dialogues, if any. The artists performing the art of the game and musicians create the melodies. Average salary: $ 4400
3. Developer: gives life to the idea created by the designer. Allow us to obtain the characters move, perform actions and have life. Average salary: $ 4800
4. Tester : spend hours playing and generates a report of possible improvements. Is responsible for making the final quality control. Average salary: $ 2800
5. Producer : is that the project has in his head and makes sure that the times of each stage are met. It is a task of coordination with different areas. Average salary: $ 5000
formal training, poor The major shortcoming of the industry is the lack of a specific academic offerings. The ITBA issue, from next March, the Diploma in Games Design and Development, aimed at people with some knowledge of programming. "We believe we bring to completion, to make this race will enter the industry as if they had previous experience," said the director of the Department of Game of the ITBA, Sebastian Uribe. Campus Image and Da Vinci are other alternatives for those who want to train.
10 and 11 December next Videogames Exhibition comes Argentina, organized by the Game Developers Association of Argentina for all industry players, from investors, artists and entrepreneurs. Pan will be on site. DIXIT

"Develop a game in Argentina is getting more expensive by factors such as inflation or wages paid" MARTIN REPETTO

Minor Studios "Today several Argentine companies are creating their own intellectual property, which is where the true value of the industry, "ANDRES CHILCOWSKI

NGD Studios" We need more outreach and places where people can be trained formally. And we have to combat piracy
Three melons

"The growing trend is to develop games with access to multiple platforms, start playing at Facebook and I at the iPhone" ALFREDO CATTA


" At home, the development of video games for consoles is very strong but, as there is no legal market, he takes away visibility
Javier Otaegui

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tv Prices Drop After Siper Bowl?

Schedule 1st quarter 2011

Leave out what is useful and

Free your thoughts and beliefs
NLP Calendar
1st quarter 2011

Change Genetics and E Lisabeth K T Epper OFOD

Introduction to Magic with NLP

A one-day workshop to experience what is NLP.

Date: Saturday February 5

Duration: 8 hours

Hours: 9am to 6pm

Investment: Bs 580 (excluding VAT)

Getting to Know My Children

NLP techniques in communication and family relationships

Date: From February 16

Duration: 4 Wednesday

Two Hours:

One Morning from 9:30 am to 12.
Another Evening 3 to 5:30 pm.

Investment: Bs 580 (excluding VAT)

Learning and NLP Practitioner Be

NLP Practitioner Training as

Date: From of 12/13 March

Length: 6 modules month (Saturday and Sunday)

Hours: Saturday from 9am to 6pm and Sunday 9


Investment: Bs 300 (registration) + 1,260 per module (Incl. VAT)

For more information please contact:
Lissette Valdez 76 09 609 0416 or Elisabeth Tepper: 0424 256 5855

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Burton Ruler With Burton Cartel

: Sprites

Well at this time we will introduce the new name Kiwii for what will be the design of video games created by idearsoft.
tests are being conducted kiwii project where there was a level editor to create games in order as they say "A picture is worth a thousand words" let the video.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Planetary Ball On Funbrain

Kiwii free for your games! Learn to Draw Comics

Today we will share a couple of pages that are what I use particularly for making prototypes of my games since before I start to get a graphic artist to develop good programming structure.

The first page is spriters Resource, in the same we can find a fairly large database with sprites organized by console, the page has sprites for characters, backgrounds, scenes, etc. There
we can only get sprites but also very good ideas.

The link:

The second page is

Sprite Database is a page similar to the previous one, with a database sprite organized by console, highly recommended as well.

The link: