Monday, July 7, 2008

Build Your Virtual Bmx Bike

The dark wizard tormented

Severus Snape

Movies: The Harry Potter

actor behind the character: Alan Rickman

Character: Severus Snape

The phrase is clear that fame is not everything, right, Mr. Potter?

The scene: His first appearance on the scene where he has the opportunity to make clear to the son of a despised classmate. Your name, Harry Potter. Snape enters the classroom, slamming the door and not looking at his students says

not allow air or wands, or silly incantations in this class! I warn you, do not think many of you appreciate the subtle science and precise art of making potions. However, those select few (Look at Draco) having such a predisposition will get to teach them to bewitch the mind and confuse the senses. I will teach you to bottle fame and glory and to develop sufficiently to stop death itself. (Watch Potter is writing.) Perhaps some have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that they feel confident enough not to pay attention. (Hermione tells Harry in the arm). Mr. Potter, our new celebrity ... Tell me, which is obtained by mixing powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood. (Hermione raises her hand) Do not you know? Let's try something else, which seek, Mr. Potter, if I ask him to bring a ***?

Harry Potter: No, I do not know, sir. (Hermione raises her hand)

Snape: And what is the difference between monkshood and Luparia? (Hermione's hand is raised)

Harry Potter: do not know, sir.

Snape: Too bad, it is clear that fame is not everything. Right, Mr. Potter?

Profile: Potions Professor at Hogwarts school. His greatest desire is to teach the subject of defense against the dark arts. Tormented as a youth by the jeers of Harry's father, James Potter , and their friends (including Sirius Black ) will make life impossible, as revenge, Harry Potter. His worst memory was the day that James put upside down, showing all present for their underwear. Character who moves between good and evil, you never know if it is a loyal servant of the Order of the Phoenix or Eater.


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