Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Brush Burns On Genitals

Leveraging your Resources is Better Choice Choosing not

When you come to a crossroads and you are asked to choose
... What doing?
Yesterday, November 29 meeting we had our second practice of NLP, three hours devoted to practice and talk among practitioners, about different topics of NLP.
And we talked about one of the assumptions or beliefs of NLP tools that seems to be the most innocent. In fact, during training exercises and workshops, I ask participants to choose from the list of presuppositions NLP, those with which they agree and those you do not. And this in particular, rarely appears in any of those lists.
"Choice is better not Choose"
Several concepts emerged in our conversation and the experience we had. Choose
relate it to the dreams we had children. It allows us to remember that we can always choose between being happy or not. It allows us to remember that what happens is what happens and the only thing that is under our control is how we react to it, how we choose to react. In a society in which we ask for immediate feedback and instant results, it may be difficult to stop and ask what I decide to choose in this situation? But what is certain is that when we do, our sense of peace and tranquility outweighs the minute we stopped to answer us.
is also true that choosing involves risk, what will happen if I choose this? What will happen if I choose that?, There is a danger of making mistakes, true. And do not you think that the risk of stalling, aimlessly is sadder. Ok, we were wrong, and? What if I'm wrong 10 times and know my strengths and do something different and maybe, just maybe something wonderful achievement once # 11? Is not it great? So it's time to grow, to mature, to choose and be curious about the possibilities that could arise.
Speaking of that risk and responsibility involved, Lilian made a very interesting question: How do I remember that I can continue to choose? Especially when we're used to being punished for choosing wrongly, by making mistakes ... The only trial answer was: Flexibility, flexibility with yourself. now choose to go live in China, tomorrow you can choose another one ... who says no? "Where are those rules that forbid us to be flexible with ourselves and learn from our mistakes?
is also true that when our values \u200b\u200bare clear and we know what is really important to us, it is also easier to choose and make decisions and ecological responsibility. We set the example of two mothers, almost parallel lives, but very different values. For one, the stability of their children and home were most important, for the other, their freedom was more important. Faced with a work situation in which they are required to be working longer hours that could benefit them financially in the long run, the first not doubt (the first is the safety of their children) The second rejects the bid (want time to do other things). And watch out, these are real life cases in which both mothers love their children intensely ... however, their values \u200b\u200bwere different. Choosing was easier for both and both faced responsibility for the consequences of their decisions. It's that simple, not necessarily easy.
Ah! What about the phrase "NO CHOICE IS TO CHOOSE? At the end of the day, we always have to face our responsibility for the decisions we make, whether consciously or unconsciously do so.
On this assumption also check our internal ecology, how I feel when I choose or not choose? How do you feel my body? And this is what we found, and may you have more comments to add, please write in the blog to share your point of view.
Tranquility Security Delivery
Choosing not
Feeling of Power
I have to fold
give my voice

... choice is definitely better than no choice!
The next meeting is on Monday 13 December ... with the theme "People usually will make the best decision possible in any situation." you there!

Elisabeth Tepper Kofod
November 30. 10

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Happened Nick Corbin Fisher

Free Music! Exhibition

In this article we will leave a page with lots of information about the environment musical and artistic .
The page is in English although it is very difficult to understand, and offers free music, latest news of artists , videos, photos , players, forums, songs TOP, etc. Actually a
good site for music lovers, for musicians, people who need some inspiration or just want to enjoy good music.
Highly recommended to get to sail and have a good time.

The Link: http://www.mp3.com/

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cramps And Cervical Mucus Mean Period Is Coming

Metaphor - A rainbow be

Arc ris t is a space inhabited by beings that create the colors.
Conoc be í a rainbow ... a being capable of walking in the light that expands far beyond his own consciousness.
of each color band draws a picture, the air rescues, where only she and other beings as it can take things.
In the routine of a typical day, passing endlessly from one color to another,
When walking along the red line, eat strawberries and makes passionate strokes.
The mandarin orange and draw plays carrots, pumpkins, flowers, butterflies and a sunset.
Jump to the yellow passion fruit collected and sun-drenched to walk through the fragrant green mint and hope.
Dressed in blue debate between heaven and sea.
the end, in transmuting violet, through the art of magic of his gifts, makes his rainbow ethereal beings of light, tangible items for the beings of the earth.
then gives us the colors turned into shapes, symbols, elements of inspiration. Reminds us that the color of the earth from the light and teaches us to mix and separate, just enough to imagine.
moments So we can appreciate the way of colors, beautiful and unbelievable, that is their home ... the house of Gisela.
By Luisa Laya

Ricotta And Cream Cheese Cookies

Metaphors Metaphors

I'm in a fine and abundant body hair, flexible and agile, so I can climb up wherever and from there to observe the world at my leisure.

is that I love watching, curiosity kills me, I like to discover and know that even seeing the same thing I can find new things, so I never get tired of looking.
Sometimes I have beaten me to act impulsively and jump without measure accurately, pretending to be faster than my quarry, fortunately, so far, my flexibility has prevented me do damage. And I deny that sometimes I have paralyzed the frustration of not achieving the goal, but as I continue to see, I shall soon reach retry, measuring more or looking for another strategy.
I like peace and quiet, my everyday spaces and my pillow to dream ... it's so comfortable. I prefer silence or soft melodies, my ears are sensitive to the noise and loud sounds.
need my environment is clean, especially my arena, much as my body, I lick and lick until I feel comfortable. I can not stand dirt.
At the end of the day, I enjoy curling up in a warm, safe and loved.
Luisa Laya

David Draiman Piercing Type

I'm in a body fine and abundant hair, flexible and agile, so I can climb up to where you want and from there see the world at my leisure.
is that I love watching, curiosity kills me, I like to discover and know that even seeing the same thing I can find new things, so I never get tired of looking.
Sometimes I have beaten me to act impulsively and jump without measure accurately, pretending to be faster than my quarry, fortunately, so far, my flexibility has prevented me do damage. And I will not to deny that sometimes I have paralyzed the frustration of not achieving the goal, but while I still see, I shall soon reach retry, measuring more or looking for another strategy.
I like peace and quiet, my everyday spaces and my pillow to dream ... it's so comfortable. I prefer silence or soft melodies, my ears are sensitive to noise and loud sounds.
need my environment is clean, especially my arena, much as my body, I lick and lick until I feel comfortable. I can not stand dirt.
At the end of the day, I enjoy curling up in a warm, safe and loved. Luisa

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Phone Providers Ontario

computing and programming in the ET N º 35

on 12, 13 and 14 November will be an exhibition in Number 35 School District 18 Eduardo Latzina , where you can play Atari, Coleco , different consoles old old computers, there will be an example of programming where different projects will expose students to the school, among which are some games and also a simulator car also made by students.
argad will be at the expo with a basement which will provide information for those interested in game development.
days and times are as follows:
November 12, 1918
pm to 22 pm November 13, 1911 to 22 hours
November 14, 1913 to 20 hours. The bagpipe
argad can be found on 12 November 1918 to 22. Admission is very affordable worth 5 pesos, at an affordable price that is exposure. Interested
school data are:

Address: 2150 Avenida Lope de Vega
Montecastro; Code. Post.: 1417
10 Tel: 4567-5838/1441
E-mail: et35@buenosaires.esc.edu.ar



Monday, November 8, 2010

What Us City Has Cutest Gay Guys

Night of the museums! Prototype of a new project

One of the inescapable urban celebrations in recent years reaches its seventh edition: The Night of Museums reopens museums and cultural spaces to half a million citizens. Will the next Saturday November 13, 2010, from 20.00 pm. until 03.00 am , extending an hour expected duration of the meeting of arts and culture.
institutions this year with more participants and more neighborhoods, and contemporary art as its theme, the city displayed their talents with many proposals to all residents and tourists.
Tu Ciudad. Your Identity. Your Museums. Your cultural spaces. Buenos Aires.

La Noche de los Museos

Surely they can find samples of programming, art, etc. important things in the field of gaming.

To download the schedule of the night of the museums can do from ACA.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

How To Load Cheats Gpsphone

This week started with the new design and prototyping is being done the same with images metal slug taken from .
The idea is to flash and then arming them with the structure developed to implement the graphics .
So if any programmer is interested please contact us.
here are some videos of how the project goes.

Kennel Cough Nasal Vaccine Time Before Kennel

Turn off to connect!

Turn off to connect! A beautiful Thai commercial!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Where To Buy Chupa Chups In Toronto Canada

Introduction to Magic with NLP - Workshop November 18 to December 9

Introduction to Magic with NLP

Neurolinguistic Programming

Facilitated by Elisabeth Tepper Kofod

Master Practitioner, & Coach Trainer of NLP

Genuine Contact TM Professional & Co-Owner

Systemic Therapy - Constellations Family

From November 18 to December 9, 2010
Every Thursday from 6 to 9pm
The Cafetal - Caracas

Want to know what is NLP?
Would you like to know yourself better @ and others?
Would you like to improve your relationships?
Would you like to have simple tools to grow as a person?
This workshop is for you.

Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) studies the structure of thought and human experience and build models that allow us to recognize and create the knowledge necessary to learn to operate consistently our lives and really productive.
"What works for me?" is the key question NLP.
and you too I'm sure you're able to recognize your limitations and change the structure of your thinking and therefore your experience.
One of the most important characteristics of NLP is that it can provide useful tools in all areas of your life. No matter the profession you have, the level of education, it is only important that you @ willing to open your perception and sharpness of your senses, to get the benefits of NLP .
This Introduction to the Magic with NLP, you learn that language relates to your thoughts and emotions generated by them, feelings that make us react in certain ways. Learn how we anchored at certain times and situations and how we can create new positive anchors. Learn to do those questions that help you raise your own resources. Recognize the hypnotic language as used.
Improve your relationship with yourself, with people you love, with your coworkers. Boost your self-esteem, find the motivation within you. Recognize your potential.
See yourself in the light of knowledge, listen to yourself talking more secure and feel the anticipation of new experiences for personal growth.

Created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, NLP studies the human being and success:
"Any conduct human is executed after having been programmed into our brains. Term that refers to the process that follows our system of sensory representations to organize their experiences and structure their operational strategies.
Because the ability of the program lies in our neural activity. Because we have a brain and nervous system, we can perceive our environment, way of thinking and feeling, to select the behaviors, etc. The working procedures of NLP act directly on this organization
Because language structure and reflects our thinking. The discourse of person is rich in information on how that person constructs his world experience. "

· ; What is NLP? and History
· Presuppositions of NLP and Rules of the mind
· Conscious and Unconscious Mind
· Language and Communication
· Ecology
· Representation Systems
· ; Partnering - disassociate / Perceptual Positions
· Defining Objectives and Troubleshooting
· Anchors

What comment who have participated in the workshop:
"... my experience at the workshop of the weekend I'll tell you this:
The workshop left me more convinced that communication is beyond what is said '"and that he has" as many options is likely to achieve what you want ", confirming that" there is no failure, only feed back. " That improving my filters or ways to contact with the world this will be closer and more positive towards me.
I enjoy knowing how to be more assertive in communicating when I understand the preferred channel to reach them, so I have empathy and allows me to strengthen existing links.
all options do I have to be happy and better than my present state, projecting the desired state, assuming my resources, proving my opportunities and valuing the stock and checking my tools. I assume and reaffirm my "proactive, the face my challenges, management options, my consultation with me, my way to match and be generic to the experiences and situations
" In a word I rediscovered my value "
Alfonso Angulo

" The Magic of NLP is the invitation that Eli (with its beautiful sorceress investiture) makes you dive in you. is an invitation to contact in your own inner magic.
I lived, and watched each of my colleagues, actually came from a Saturday morning and Sunday at the end saw, felt and heard the magic that everyone wore. That in me I can be translated as "The Magic of NLP is me if I want I can "
Patricia Cano

" If you discover within you all the wonderful potential that you possess and further develop those who know consciously, you will definitely invite them to this workshop. I enjoyed it very much and now I have more choices and therefore more options for success ... "
Hazael Mundaraín

"This workshop helped me connect even more with me, I'll take for me and integrate it with what I have already. I leave with a greater acceptance of my truths, those who serve me and understand. I've also cool tools for understanding all what can sometimes seem imperceptible. "
Valentina Gonzalez

Investment: Bs 560 , oo. Pay only Bs 500 (before August 14) does not include VAT
includes material support and refreshments
To book and confirm your registration:

deposit to confirm your participation to: Elisabeth Tepper
savings account Bank Common Fund # 0151-0058-31-580-037984-2.
or Provincial Bank checking account # 0108-0037-44-0100064865

For more information call 986 0212 4254, 5855 or 0416 256 0424 424 7359 or writes elitepperk@gmail.com

Remember ...
Happiness is your nature!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Building Super Bowl Displays Using Pepsi 12 Packs

Serving the Community - Increase your resources

Last Friday, along with Lilian Rodriguez, facilitated a workshop for some students in the 1st half of firefighting Institute of Technology.
The audience was composed of boys between 18 and 25 years of age who are training to become professional firefighters. Until a few weeks before I did not even know that there is a college dedicated to training professionals with all the knowledge and resources needed to "save life" at any given time.
And again, my faith in man is enhanced ...
see these guys talk to each other, respect, realize their hopes and fears and dare to share with 30 other people, hear their comments and reflections was a balm for me. And when at last, in the end, it was they themselves who acknowledged that "only" did that day was to remember what they already knew, tears welled up in my eyes because that's exactly what I tell participants in my training ... with NLP aware you are only doing something that you come so for many years. Bravo!
And thank you, thank you to Monica Guzman, for inviting ... And
IUTB for accepting our proposal ... Lilian
And, by co-facilitate this workshop with me.
share these pictures with you as well as his concluding remarks:

"Excellent workshop and very educational." Anonymous.
"... excellent workshop and I think everyone should know more about what is NLP, as it is a very interesting subject." Anonymous.
"NLP is a tool in life to help you much in your goals, especially to reach and more in your everyday life." Anonymous.
"From the workshop, apart from excellent, very rich, allowing you a complete study of your strengths and internal resources. I would like to be part of team." Anonymous.
"It's nice to be in shops as it was with these facilitators, keep it up, you know how to give a good kind of NLP." Anonymous.
"The workshop is very interesting. Anyone who has the privilege of doing so, check all those circumstances that I lived on my part. I invite you to do so. You will be surprised what you see and learn from him. "Anonymous.
" ... do your part and try to exploit the full workshop, acquiring knowledge and everything that can be taught in these workshops and above all put this into practice in daily life of everyone. "Anonymous.
" an excellent teacher. I say again and never tire of repeating. I left a vast knowledge that I can practice to achieve all my goals. Anyone who can recommend it. Again, thank you! "Andri Gonzalez Mojica
" Actually I was pleased that we or would help us understand further the skills and qualities that we each "Roy Alejandro Ibarra
" ... those who do not know what is NLP and the changes that took over my thinking. "
"I can only say thanks. I really liked. It is a unique experience which I hope many people peudan share. Anonymous.