Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How Many Points In Skirt Steak

IdearSoft back again Kodu

After a timeout IdearSoft again maintains its draft game programming with the idea of \u200b\u200bpromoting some national and industry fall into this "world" that could only recently think of something "impossible" or rather "improbable" in countries like ours.
We are currently seeking programmers with at least basic knowledge of programming to make such a project. We welcome
to teach those who are willing and include them in our project, so as to achieve certain national objectives.
again and after a period of time we welcome a smaller developers eager to be part of gaming history.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bosch Dishwasher Pump Replacement

The Map is Not the Territory

Yesterday, October 25, 2010 began the practice of NLP, three hours devoted to practice and talk among practitioners, about different topics of NLP.
These 3 hours are divided into three parts: the first in which we talked about one of the presuppositions of NLP. The 2nd part is about sharing experiences, talking about our cases, of course, keeping their confidentiality, nourished by the experience of other practitioners of NLP possibly have approached each case differently. And finally, practice exercises we designed or are in the repertoire of books in the NLP , this is especially useful when we want to experiment with a technique and want the opinion of another expert.
This article is the first I will write several collecting our impressions of each of the presuppositions of NLP, these beliefs useful for any therapist.
Lilian Thanks for being the first conspirator to transform that desire!
begin with ...
This is one of the symbolic presuppositions of NLP ... anyone who has had any contact with NLP or its practitioners, has heard that phrase. However, how many of us really know what you mean? And above all, how many of us apply to our day a day?
The simplest way to explain this assumption is that we all see reality differently. The reality (the territory) is what it is ... but how we perceive (MAP) is different from a person to another. Each of us have perceptual filters that are products of our education, religion, idiosyncrasy, language, sex, etc. and apply to everything that our five senses are able to capture. Hence we say that everyone sees the world from their perspective.
We wonder when was the most recent time you had this in mind for MAP NOT THE TERRITORY?
And in our conversation, there were several examples:
· Talking with my brother, I was curious, observant, wanting to know how he thinks. Keep in mind the map is not the territory makes it curious, ask to get to know people around me.
· amazed me how to think differently and I would listen without trial.
· A single event triggers different emotions from different people present.
· With our customers, recognizing that I have a different map of the world, that really lets me know that things occur are neither good nor bad, just different. I can focus on what is really useful for my client and I can help you find out.
FREE TRIAL be capitalized because of all the conversation we had about MAP IS NOT THE TERRITORY, we conclude that when we keep this assumption in mind, then the trial of "good or bad", or "this is well "or" the only correct way is mine "disappears. Is not it wonderful? And maybe you're thinking, what is this a trial? can be ... and it works!
also arose the question of what happens when you against a person "right" or "things are as I say"?
And the answers were in the order of:
· not want to talk
· I distanced
· There is a barrier
· It creates a separation
· ; not even know I'm curious how you think
This is conscious or unconscious. And remember those days when for some reason we feel exhausted, tired and without knowing why. Because we are trying to maintain harmony in a stressful environment. In Genuine Contact TM speak of "environments that deplete us" or "environments that nurture us" ... how we know we are in an environment that we run out? When we feel uncomfortable and want out of a meeting and breathe, rest, eat. It's like oxygen depleted environment. How do we know we are in an environment that nurtures us? When we know we can say what we think and feel free, if we want to stay there when we are accepted, we feel comfortable.
But what happens when this person is our customer? So, remember that there are no difficult customers but inflexible therapists. If we really want the person or we are asking for assistance, then touch to be flexible and see things through their eyes, feel through your skin and listen through their ears.
also recognized that families may inherit certain maps, sometimes not ... and what happens when our maps are so different? You know ... possibly many discussions, debates and more discussion. What What if I could accept that the map of my mom or dad or brother or partner or child is simply different from mine? What would change my communication with people I love? "I'm sure that our relations would be much more harmonious and I do not mean the other will think like me ... nothing is further from the truth!, but that I be willing to be curious about their world, my curiosity will tell you that I have a genuine interest in him or her, and that strengthen our bonds of love.
undoubtedly make rapport with others is invaluable ... just so I will be able to enter the map the other. Only in this way will achieve that see the other territory with my filters.
So the invitation is to be noted that MAP is not the territory.
Elisabeth Tepper Kofod
October 26. 10

Combination Lock Calculation


What happens when you have many options and you have to make a decision?
Perhaps this exercise of power can help you focus on your resources ...
Read more ...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Places To Ride Dirt Bike In Nj

NLP Practitioner - VIII Training Hopes and Fears

Right Testicle Pain One Day

When you start the courses I would ask my participants among other things, to write and submit their Hopes and Fears on training course, workshop, activity ... This is a Genuine ContactTM practice, specifically in facilitating the process of whole person (Whole Person Process Facilitation).
No surprises me how to translate those hopes (What I want to happen during this training) and those fears (What I do not want to happen?) Have the ability to reassure the participants. to see, let us hopes make clear our intention to be in this training. And our fears allow us then to express those thoughts, doubts, emotions that usually do not dare express.
We place Hopes and Fears on a wall, so that we can see during the course, keep them in mind ...
The hopes allow the facilitator to know what the intentions group and fears are externalized and no longer have to occupy an important place of the participant. No facilitator can ensure that those expectations are met or that the fears were not given.
write this article just because yesterday we finished the training of NLP Practitioner in which fears were
· I forget what they learned
· not feel able to practice
· not have time to practice
· not be satisfied
When you look at those fears yesterday, on completion of training, I knew that those fears were was present until about an hour, when finally faced with a client (a person who did not know) and worked with them. none of them forgot what they learned, of course I had the ability and time to make the practices, and of course we were aware, came to more than 90% of the classroom during the 6-month training and delivered more than 90% of transfer activities, such practices had to make on their own, to ensure their success yesterday.
Bravo! See our fears in the face definitely has an effect driven.
Then his hopes :
· Grow
· acquire new knowledge
· Communicate better
· Improve relationships
· Get analysis tools
· apply in everyday life
· Internalize knowledge
· Be multiplier
· Improve self-knowledge.
And again ... I can attest to the growth observed in each of the participants. I say I'll take photos at the beginning and end of training, before and after photos so we can all see the differences. see more smiles, more laughter heard, their comments show greater flexibility with themselves and others. Finally, their ability to communicate with themselves and with others is a fact.
And as we say out there ... our prophecies beliefs are mandatory. I dare say that when we place our hopes , decorate and maintain the present, these prophecies also become mandatory.
So I recommend that before starting any project ... write and present your have hopes and your fears , then tell me how it went.
Elisabeth Tepper Kofod

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What comment?

Programming Practitioner Neuro
Facilitated by Elisabeth Tepper Kofod
April 22 to October 16, 2010

How powerful is NLP! It's so interesting to know the processing tools that offers the NLP for you and for your customers. I attest to how effective it is, experiencing changes and changing my perceptions. In the end, when you visualize and see what they have learned and how to apply that "tree" to your experiences for a particular purpose, recognize the effectiveness of tools.
As Eli says, "the magic of NLP" because it really looks like a magic wand ... the magic of transformation.
Gisela García, October 16, 2010

Making NLP Practitioner is a transition for your own life, making conscious all the elements in your everyday, gaining clarity and tools for achieving objectives, to know what and especially do want to clarify how you can do and what you need and / or have to work on it. You wake up to the resources you have and also can work for others to do likewise. Luisa
Laya, October 16, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sallie Mae Private Loan Tax Deductible?

Chapter 1. Wind energy. And wind power

electricity and wind.

The principle of wind power as an energy source is based on the movement of a turbine which in turn drives a generator (alternator) and the latter is responsible for producing the electrical phenomenon (electricity). As a foundation base should know that the wind has a kinetic energy due to the mass of moving air.

From all this, we deduce that the performance of our installation is going to come determined:

- The usable area that has our collection system (wind turbine or windmill).

- wind speed cubed.

When calculating the efficiency of our Installation is a very important fact to consider "Betz Limit" . This comes to say that in the event that a wind reached 100% the performance, this would be the 59.3% of the total power of the wind, as this is the theoretical maximum Betz.

wind machine types.

could define that there are two types of wind machines:

- The vertical axis (work by air resistance).

- the horizontal axis.

To access the course Chapter 2, click here .

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Chapter 2. Wind machines. Vertical axis and horizontal axis

The vertical axis

As already mentioned, they work to exert a resistance to air and within this there are also two groups:

"The drive by air resistance: within these include not need orientation to the wind, are usually used for mechanical work (need slow and force: grinding, pumping and performance ,...) between 10 and 25% of the Betz limit.

Types of wind turbines: Savonius, paddles and bowls.

"The lift operated by air: this we can comment that uses airfoils like the propellers of the aircraft, its performance is above the others, reaching between 35 and 55% of the Betz limit.

The main types that we can find are: Darreius and Giromill.

The horizontal axis

They need to face the wind, its use is fairly widespread and common in the generation of electric energy and its performance levels between 30 and 40% of the Betz limit.

types that we find are very varied: bladed, bladed, three-bladed multiblade, etc ...

As such it is noteworthy that the most used are: multiblade (for pumping) and Three-bladed (electricity generation).

To access the course Chapter 3, click here .

Cookie Bars With Cake Mix

Chapter 3. Wind energy.

Other elements of an installation.

Among the elements of a wind turbine should be highlighted a number of them that are essential for the proper functioning of this:

-Multiplier: is responsible for transmitting the rotation of the alternator rotor.

alternator-generator: is responsible for producing alternating electrical current.

"Cruise Control: can very precisely control the rotor speed.

-Parking Brake: is in charge of stopping the rotation of the rotor in case of breakdown or wind too high.

-electromagnetic brake speed control: stopping power varies depending on the speed of rotation.

There are a number of other elements that are not going to find out more, simply going to mention by way of comment: lift tower, rotor guidance system, lightning protection system, etc ....

To access the Chapter 4 course, click here .

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fixtures Chapter 4. Wind power plant.

operation is usually very basic and simple, makes wind turbine blades move and this in turn moves through the multiplier generator (alternator), the output of the electrical energy is produced and this is in turn is modulated by a speed control to the characteristics of the distribution system (voltage and frequency) and injected into this (between the process control output and the injection speed to the network or particular use may cause different stages to the above depending on each use.)


"Usually the starting speed of the wind turbines is usually 5 meters / second.

"In the English state is usual that the average wind speed is less than 5 m / sec, for what is best is to use wind speeds.

-normal speed of the wind turbines is usually between 10 and 25 meters / sec.

-Any wind slowly began to turn from 3 meters / second.

-Its main uses are: water pumping and electricity generation.

"A modern generator we can provide up to 600 Kw. For

Chapter 5 access course, click here .

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Operation Chapter 5. Wind Power in Spain

Wind Map English.

Within this would highlight 5 zones depending on the speed and the times you do this, the above 5 meters / second year.

-Zone 1 and 2: these have a high potential and very high the first for more than 5,250 hours per year and the second between 4,830 to 5,250 hours per year. These areas are the Canary Islands and the Strait.

-Zone 3: this has the potential average between 3,500 to 4,380 hours per year. In this case the larger area is the center: Madrid and the castle (the stain and León).

-Zone 4 and 5: potential low - medium and low, between 2,600 to 3,500 hours per year the first and 1,750 to 2,600 hours per year the second. These are spread over the rest of Spain, Extremadura, Galicia, Aragon, Cantabria, Basque Country, etc ...

To access Certificate of Participation in this course through our group included in the online learning platform Emagister , click here .

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wheaton And Poodle Mix

And I fell in love! Already

8 years ago we started our relationship ...
already had told me about it. I said, "is perfect for you" "sure you know and fall in love" ... and I thought 'of course, like so many others. " However, I do not deny that he felt much curiosity. How would you? Would it be as beautiful as I had said? Would it be so powerful? felt so curious, I said yes, I agreed to go to the blind date.
Actually, I prepared that day, I dressed carefully, I perfume and makeup meticulously. What would we find?
When I finally arrived, it was pretty quiet, willing to know more by curiosity than anything else.
I went and saw him, there was ... nothing special, just like any other. And then he began to speak, and as far as describing himself and to the extent that showed me who was so touched my heart family, nothing loud, yet very subtle, softly. It was not rushed. We gave our time, one year, we met, talked, sometimes thought I was falling in love and I think he also me, and sometimes I say, "quiet, maybe everything is an illusion." was mutual. Gradually, as each at their own pace, as we danced and played together, we realized that we really liked each other, and looooong.
But the truth is that it was not until that dark night of grief and crisis I called, asked for help, and he, without speaking, without asking a lot, with his love changed my life. I was new ground with a subtlety that only perceived. helped me realize that I can and he would always be there for me. made to improve my relationship with my children, began to speak, look and feel like we have never done. In fact ... with him I learned to help others. I felt in my soul, I felt in my heart and my body. I was no longer same.
Our passion increased, and the more we are together, the more I realize how lucky I was to say yes, if life, if I same, if at the NLP [1] and yes, NLP is beautiful, is wonderful and is very powerful.
Our relationship is growing ... and now, thanks to our love, I can show to other routes that can take joy that life can be seen with other lenses and listening to your heart.
Elisabeth Tepper Kofod
October 13. 10

[1] NLP.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Invitation Letter For Wedding For Mother

Tutorial Part 1

Kodu is an application that allows us to create our own games, plus play with those who come instalados.Kodu and helps us learn about creating video games and software, simple and fun, is without knowing any programming language.

To begin we will download the program here . We will install on our computers and start ejecutaremos.Al should see a menu like this:

This menu offers:
  1. Resume: We continue with the last world that we were editing. Load
  2. World: You can load one of the worlds saved.
  3. Options: Here we internal settings of the game.
  4. Help: Help Kodu. Quit
  5. Kodu: Exit Kodu.
We will click on Load World and see a menu like this:

where we want (click on the arrows giving green end) one that says Empty World v01.Al find it, you'll select and click on the option play. To edit the world that we're seeing "esc" and what we will see something like this:

Now I know that may seem confusing all the tools we have at the bottom But do not worry since we will learn in the course of the tutorial.
first thing we do is to create a piece of land where to position our objects, for which we choose the 6 tool that is like a brush painting cubes and we click on it. Under our pointer
should see a square white indicates where to place the square of material, so what we will do is select what type of material want. For this we will click on the tool is shown in the picture.

Now we see a range of possible materials for use as field, choose the ones you like best, and holding the left mouse button pressed we will "paint" our world with some of this material until have an area of \u200b\u200bland not too small.
This is where the fun begins adding the characters of our game and that's when it kicks in the 4 tool is the object.
Clicking on it and then click anywhere on our land we will open a submenu as follows:

In this menu you can decide what type of object we add to our world. For our tutorial we will select a kudo (marked on the image to black) which is a small character part in our game. Now we can see that in our world there is a kudo. This kudo still takes no action but on the next tutorial learn how to give orders and instructions to perform certain objectives.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

What Are Signs To Take Out Tongue Web

Milo "Project Cancelled

If a few months ago Peter Molineux Microsoft and surprised us by showing that his project was " MILO, how advanced it was the interface and how the game could be entertaining while innovative, for now surprise us with an apparent cancellation.

Milo ( three-dimensional child who could interact and get to have a relationship), is a project created as a demo to test the limits of technology Kinect. This week was heard in various technology circles the possibility that we saw and expected Milo can not see the light of the way in which we presented. According to flutter over the network, the technology used in Milo would apply for a new version of "Fable (RPG Game Microsoft of highly interactive, character development and the world), while Milo would end as he said Molineux be a demo of what can be done with the interface Kinect Microsoft. The cancellation of the project was not confirmed and so far from Microsoft's response has been without comentarios.Pero if this is added the alleged dismissals suffered Lionhead (Molineux company), we could be facing another interesting product that after leave us with open mouth and asking for more, you will never reach us.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I Am 12 Weeks Pregnant

Practitioner of NLP? Want to practice?

A monthly space to practice NLP.

On Monday October 25, from 6pm to 9pm in The Cafetal, Caracas.

are so many research projects conducted in the field of NLP that often takes time and / or customers to implement them.
This is an invitation to come to practice what you already know and new things.
Even ... Do you have techniques that have created and want to share?
Want to share cases with other practitioners of NLP and listen to their opinions? What have they done? What do you see that you can help?

Requirement: NLP Practitioner and want to share your experience both as a client of other ...

Please call or write to confirm your participation!

E Lisabeth T epper  K ofod
Genuine Contact(TM) Professional & Co-owner
Master Practitioner. Coach & Trainer PNL
Terapia Sistémica - Constelaciones Familiares
58 212 986 4254
58 416 424 7359
58 424 256 5855

Fastest Frames Per Second Point And Shoot

100 tips for success in the marketing of indie games

Today we will bring the 100 tips for success in marketing Indie Games . A website in English where we can find an article dedicated to this same, 100 tricks and tips for success in the marketing of indie games.

Link: -game /