Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Invitation Letter For Wedding For Mother

Tutorial Part 1

Kodu is an application that allows us to create our own games, plus play with those who come instalados.Kodu and helps us learn about creating video games and software, simple and fun, is without knowing any programming language.

To begin we will download the program here . We will install on our computers and start ejecutaremos.Al should see a menu like this:

This menu offers:
  1. Resume: We continue with the last world that we were editing. Load
  2. World: You can load one of the worlds saved.
  3. Options: Here we internal settings of the game.
  4. Help: Help Kodu. Quit
  5. Kodu: Exit Kodu.
We will click on Load World and see a menu like this:

where we want (click on the arrows giving green end) one that says Empty World v01.Al find it, you'll select and click on the option play. To edit the world that we're seeing "esc" and what we will see something like this:

Now I know that may seem confusing all the tools we have at the bottom But do not worry since we will learn in the course of the tutorial.
first thing we do is to create a piece of land where to position our objects, for which we choose the 6 tool that is like a brush painting cubes and we click on it. Under our pointer
should see a square white indicates where to place the square of material, so what we will do is select what type of material want. For this we will click on the tool is shown in the picture.

Now we see a range of possible materials for use as field, choose the ones you like best, and holding the left mouse button pressed we will "paint" our world with some of this material until have an area of \u200b\u200bland not too small.
This is where the fun begins adding the characters of our game and that's when it kicks in the 4 tool is the object.
Clicking on it and then click anywhere on our land we will open a submenu as follows:

In this menu you can decide what type of object we add to our world. For our tutorial we will select a kudo (marked on the image to black) which is a small character part in our game. Now we can see that in our world there is a kudo. This kudo still takes no action but on the next tutorial learn how to give orders and instructions to perform certain objectives.


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