Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bosch Dishwasher Pump Replacement

The Map is Not the Territory

Yesterday, October 25, 2010 began the practice of NLP, three hours devoted to practice and talk among practitioners, about different topics of NLP.
These 3 hours are divided into three parts: the first in which we talked about one of the presuppositions of NLP. The 2nd part is about sharing experiences, talking about our cases, of course, keeping their confidentiality, nourished by the experience of other practitioners of NLP possibly have approached each case differently. And finally, practice exercises we designed or are in the repertoire of books in the NLP , this is especially useful when we want to experiment with a technique and want the opinion of another expert.
This article is the first I will write several collecting our impressions of each of the presuppositions of NLP, these beliefs useful for any therapist.
Lilian Thanks for being the first conspirator to transform that desire!
begin with ...
This is one of the symbolic presuppositions of NLP ... anyone who has had any contact with NLP or its practitioners, has heard that phrase. However, how many of us really know what you mean? And above all, how many of us apply to our day a day?
The simplest way to explain this assumption is that we all see reality differently. The reality (the territory) is what it is ... but how we perceive (MAP) is different from a person to another. Each of us have perceptual filters that are products of our education, religion, idiosyncrasy, language, sex, etc. and apply to everything that our five senses are able to capture. Hence we say that everyone sees the world from their perspective.
We wonder when was the most recent time you had this in mind for MAP NOT THE TERRITORY?
And in our conversation, there were several examples:
· Talking with my brother, I was curious, observant, wanting to know how he thinks. Keep in mind the map is not the territory makes it curious, ask to get to know people around me.
· amazed me how to think differently and I would listen without trial.
· A single event triggers different emotions from different people present.
· With our customers, recognizing that I have a different map of the world, that really lets me know that things occur are neither good nor bad, just different. I can focus on what is really useful for my client and I can help you find out.
FREE TRIAL be capitalized because of all the conversation we had about MAP IS NOT THE TERRITORY, we conclude that when we keep this assumption in mind, then the trial of "good or bad", or "this is well "or" the only correct way is mine "disappears. Is not it wonderful? And maybe you're thinking, what is this a trial? can be ... and it works!
also arose the question of what happens when you against a person "right" or "things are as I say"?
And the answers were in the order of:
· not want to talk
· I distanced
· There is a barrier
· It creates a separation
· ; not even know I'm curious how you think
This is conscious or unconscious. And remember those days when for some reason we feel exhausted, tired and without knowing why. Because we are trying to maintain harmony in a stressful environment. In Genuine Contact TM speak of "environments that deplete us" or "environments that nurture us" ... how we know we are in an environment that we run out? When we feel uncomfortable and want out of a meeting and breathe, rest, eat. It's like oxygen depleted environment. How do we know we are in an environment that nurtures us? When we know we can say what we think and feel free, if we want to stay there when we are accepted, we feel comfortable.
But what happens when this person is our customer? So, remember that there are no difficult customers but inflexible therapists. If we really want the person or we are asking for assistance, then touch to be flexible and see things through their eyes, feel through your skin and listen through their ears.
also recognized that families may inherit certain maps, sometimes not ... and what happens when our maps are so different? You know ... possibly many discussions, debates and more discussion. What What if I could accept that the map of my mom or dad or brother or partner or child is simply different from mine? What would change my communication with people I love? "I'm sure that our relations would be much more harmonious and I do not mean the other will think like me ... nothing is further from the truth!, but that I be willing to be curious about their world, my curiosity will tell you that I have a genuine interest in him or her, and that strengthen our bonds of love.
undoubtedly make rapport with others is invaluable ... just so I will be able to enter the map the other. Only in this way will achieve that see the other territory with my filters.
So the invitation is to be noted that MAP is not the territory.
Elisabeth Tepper Kofod
October 26. 10


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