Sunday, October 17, 2010

Right Testicle Pain One Day

When you start the courses I would ask my participants among other things, to write and submit their Hopes and Fears on training course, workshop, activity ... This is a Genuine ContactTM practice, specifically in facilitating the process of whole person (Whole Person Process Facilitation).
No surprises me how to translate those hopes (What I want to happen during this training) and those fears (What I do not want to happen?) Have the ability to reassure the participants. to see, let us hopes make clear our intention to be in this training. And our fears allow us then to express those thoughts, doubts, emotions that usually do not dare express.
We place Hopes and Fears on a wall, so that we can see during the course, keep them in mind ...
The hopes allow the facilitator to know what the intentions group and fears are externalized and no longer have to occupy an important place of the participant. No facilitator can ensure that those expectations are met or that the fears were not given.
write this article just because yesterday we finished the training of NLP Practitioner in which fears were
· I forget what they learned
· not feel able to practice
· not have time to practice
· not be satisfied
When you look at those fears yesterday, on completion of training, I knew that those fears were was present until about an hour, when finally faced with a client (a person who did not know) and worked with them. none of them forgot what they learned, of course I had the ability and time to make the practices, and of course we were aware, came to more than 90% of the classroom during the 6-month training and delivered more than 90% of transfer activities, such practices had to make on their own, to ensure their success yesterday.
Bravo! See our fears in the face definitely has an effect driven.
Then his hopes :
· Grow
· acquire new knowledge
· Communicate better
· Improve relationships
· Get analysis tools
· apply in everyday life
· Internalize knowledge
· Be multiplier
· Improve self-knowledge.
And again ... I can attest to the growth observed in each of the participants. I say I'll take photos at the beginning and end of training, before and after photos so we can all see the differences. see more smiles, more laughter heard, their comments show greater flexibility with themselves and others. Finally, their ability to communicate with themselves and with others is a fact.
And as we say out there ... our prophecies beliefs are mandatory. I dare say that when we place our hopes , decorate and maintain the present, these prophecies also become mandatory.
So I recommend that before starting any project ... write and present your have hopes and your fears , then tell me how it went.
Elisabeth Tepper Kofod


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